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Job Classes

The first thing you have to do after you have logged in to your game account is to create a character. Every character starts off being a Peasant, but job selection now takes place at the moment of character creation -so be careful, once you have selected a job there is no going back. There are five job classes to choose from and each class has two different options for weapon use. Weapons determine the skills and abilities your character will use in the future, pick your favorite. The five job classes are archer, assassin, fencer, fighter, and magician. Below is a brief explanation about each job class. You can click on the job name to see the abilities of each depending on weapon.


Fencers are warriors in all the sense of the word, their high weapon defense and strong and steady attacks allows them to remain in battle longer. Although their close range combat abilities always place them in the line of fire it is not necessarily bad. Fencers enjoy close combat and are masters at such field.

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